Case Study Kings League


→ Context.

We have been working with El Pozo King Upp for 4 years, in different projects in esports, in La Velada de Ibai, even in AI, but in 2023 we saw the opportunity to enter Ibai and Piqué's new project: the Kings League, a new digital entertainment format that has revolutionized the way we used to watch football.

→ Proposal.

From Play the Game, we proposed to El Pozo King Upp to participate in the new competition that Kosmos was going to launch, the Kings League.

Taking into account the target of El Pozo King Upp, aimed at new generations, we found that this new competition, broadcast via Twitch and with a fresh and disruptive format, was a great fit with the brand.

We were in charge of creating a union between El Pozo King Upp and the Kings League, having visibility with product (mini fuets) in the Chup Chup programmes, in the conferences, in the Kings League's social networks and its website.

We created a landing where participants could win prizes by uploading the purchase ticket of various El Pozo King Upp products, where they could win prizes related to the competition.

Content was created on TikTok and Instagram Reels through #LaPorraDelKing and #ElBeefDelKing. At the Kings League final, we had the dice to create content outside the stadium and a bus themed around El Pozo King Upp.

→ Value.

From Play the Game, and thanks to our partner, we integrated the brand into the event in a very natural way, creating storytelling and interaction points for the participating streamers. In fact, it was so well integrated that the streamers themselves congratulated us, and the fans perceived it in a very positive way. We took care of the constant monitoring and were able to ensure and optimize the visibility of the brand in the broadcasts.


  • We had an impact on TikTok and Instagram of +40 million views.

  • On Twitch, the first split had an average of 1.1 million viewers, and the second split had an average of 256K viewers.

  • Likewise, the results in terms of brand engagement have been very good, positioning the brand as young, disruptive and attractive to Kings League fans.

  • The landing promotion had an excellent participation rate, with over 9,300 tickets uploaded.

Client Quote.

For a brand like ElPozo KING, being linked to the social phenomenon of the moment, such as the KINGS LEAGUE in 2023, is another sign that we are a modern brand that is concerned about being close to the new generations. That is why we continue to be firmly committed to new digital training formulas, where Play The Game are true specialists and help us on a daily basis.

Alfonso J. Rubio Digital Marketing Manager El Pozo Alimentación

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